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What are your age requirements?

We are a scholarship program for girls ages 4 though 24.

(See division breakdowns)


Do you need experience to participate?

Even though IJM attracts many seasoned pageant girls, you do not need experience to participate.  Anyone can participate and benefit from the IJM experience and even win!.


What is the best attire for interview, dress or suit?

IJM prefers a dress for all divisions.


Is Interview a panel or round robin style?

The IJM interview at both state and international finals is round robin.  This means that each girl will have the opportunity to sit with each individual judge and allow them to get to know the delegates one on one.


For Interview, is there a Resume or "All About Me" sheet?

There are no resumes or any type of sheet that is required to be turned in for the interview competition.  The judges are just going to spend time having a pleasant conversation with each delegate to get to know them a little better.  There are no political or religious questions that are asked.  Because the interview will be about getting to know the delegate, there are no "wrong" answers.


Is IJM a glitz pageant?

IJM is not a glitz pageant.  We're a naturally polished pageant.  We are looking for girls that are well put together, well spoken and confident. This is what IJM girls represent.


What are the makeup rules for girls ages 4-12?

Contestants ages 4 – 9 years are not allowed to wear make-up during interview competition. Only lip gloss will be permitted. Contestants ages 10 –12 may wear light natural make-up for Interview. All Jr Divisions (Ages 4-12) are allowed to wear light natural make-up under the harsh lights during stage competitions. 


Do I have to use any specific vendors to win IJM?

Absolutely not!  IJM has a wonderful group of sponsors and vendors that we know share similar ethics and quality as IJM. Vendors do not factor into judging or the outcome of the pageant.  


How much does the state pageant cost? 

For all 3 areas of mandatory competition, the sponsorship fee is $325. There is a separate registration fee of $35 and a $50 scholarship fee. Periodically, the sponsorship fee is reduced. Check with your state director for any current promotions in your area.


If you win at state, what are the fees for nationals?  

A delegate that wins her title via a state pageant also wins her $495 entry fee paid to the International Finals.  There is an International Package fee of three easy payment so of $250 each. The International Package includes a full page feature in the program book, a complimentary copy of the program book, the $100 scholarship fee donation and a souvenir t-shirt.


What is the difference between a state queen and an appointed titleholder?

A state queen is one who wins her title via a state pageant. An appointed titleholder is one that obtained a title because either there is not a state pageant or there are opportunities that remain in the division.


What is the benefit of being a state titleholder, over an appointed titleholder?

Although state titleholders and appointed titleholders compete equally at the International Finals, there are still benefits to winning an overall state title at the state pageant.  Winning the state title comes with a prize package from the state director including the paid $495 International Sponsorship Fee, as well as having the honor of being crowned on stage in front of family and friends, taking the final walk after the completion of a successful reign and returning to crown the state successor.  It is a year full of memories.


Does IJM have a non-compete clause?

At the state level, we do not have a non-compete clause in our state delegate contracts. However, we do ask that you discuss and receive written permission prior to participating in any pageants to ensure no conflicts. We do not give permission to compete in any pageant that will inhibit a crowned state delegate to represent their title at the International Finals or complete their reign as a state/international queen.

Frequently Asked Questions

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